Does it seem like it is more difficult to keep you home neat and tidy during the summer months? Do you find your home filled with neighborhood kids leaving their mess behind? If so, you may think that an outing to the beach will keep the mess out of your home, but sadly you will find that the mess typically travels home and enters the house right along with you.
At Cleaned To Perfection we pride ourselves on making life easier for our clients. While we may not be able to follow behind all the mess makers in your life to clean up as they move through your home, we like to offer tips to help keep things as neat and clean as possible for your comfort between your cleanings. So here are some tips to keep the beach out of your home!
- Removing all the sand from your family members is one of the biggest challenges you face. Accept that they will in fact bring sand home with them, but there are steps you can take to limit the amount. Of course, if a shower is available at the beach, have each person rinse as best they can. Shake out hair and put long hair up in a ponytail or bun.
- Before entering the car, use the baby powder trick. Sprinkle baby powder on your body and watch the sand fall off like magic! Have everyone sit the car and stick their feet out so they can remove the sand and not have to step on the sandy ground again.
- Mesh bags are a fabulous tool! Hopefully, your family will wear waterproof shoes to the beach like flip flops. Place them in a mesh bag and rinse them off at a water spigot. Sand will be removed while the water is able to drip right out. This works great with sand toys as well!
- Give each person a fresh towel to sit on in the car. Once home, have them place the towel on the floor of the shower, then stand on the towel while they remove their sandy suit. The towel will collect the sand that inevitably collects in the suit. Carefully wrap the suit in the towel, bring outside, and shake the sand free from the towel and the suit.
- Place all dirty beach towels in a plastic bag or a washable bag before placing in the car.
- Place a sheet in the trunk of the car to catch all of the sand from chairs, coolers, etc.
- Make sure everyone knows the rules! Have a spot where all items returning from the beach are placed to minimize the mess. Have a spot where people returning from the beach can wait until their turn to shower.
The best way to keep things neat and clean is to plan and organize. You know your family best. Think about their habits and do what you can to limit their messy impact on your clean home (without sucking all of the fun out of the day of course)! Remember, mess happens. Enjoying life typically means there will be something to clean up. So go ahead and enjoy life. Your Cleaned To Perfection team will be along soon!
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