Your time is precious and should be used for the most special moments in your life like sipping hot cocoa in front of the fire with your family, not with your arm in a dirty toilet trying to remove the ring around the bowl. Hiring a cleaning service is not just a luxurious privilege. Many families have two working parents and people work crazy long hours. It becomes difficult to to find quality family time and/or quality "me" time. Consider using a cleaning service, such as Cleaned To Perfection of course, to free up quality time in your life. Even if it is just a once month good cleaning, it will make the other 3 weeks of the month a bit easier and faster to do.
Ok, that's the down and dirty clean, but even with good weekly cleaning the home still needs some TLC during the week. Here are some tips to help keep your home neat and ready for guests to pop in:
- Keep a laundry basket handy and once per day travel throughout the rooms of your home picking up items that do not belong and bringing them back to their spot. If guests call and ask if they can stop by in a few, grab that laundry basket and pick up misplaced items.
- Wipe down the guest bathroom every other day so that it is always company ready.
- Put a pan on the stove with water and cinnamon sticks to simmer. The house will smell welcoming and delicious!
- Bright lights can make a room look more welcoming, so don't be shy!
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