Thursday, October 4, 2012

Get Creative With These Organization Ideas!

Most of us want our homes to be organized, but find it a challenge for a number of reasons. Organizational products can be pricey and unattractive. Sometimes we just don't want to make the effort of removing an item from a storage container when we can just leave it out and readily available to us. Then of course, there are those other people we live with. No one else seems to understand how to put things away.

Sigh. It can be overwhelming and a thankless job to keep your home organized. Cleaned To Perfection is here to help! We have compiled a few creative storage ideas that are inexpensive, easy (and dare we say fun) to use and add some personality to the room. Feel free to duplicate these ideas in your home and be inspired to create your own! Share your photos and ideas with us in the comment section of the blog or on our facebook page!

Kitchens! So many items, so little easy to reach space! Here is a clever idea to stay organized and help with the dinnertime rush. Place all the ingredients needed for one meal in a translucent bin. When it's time to cook, grab the bin. No more searching for ingredients!

Genius! Measuring cups and spoons each have their own labeled hook on the inside of a cupboard door! Add a handy measurement conversion chart and adding the right amount of ingredients is simple!

Bathrooms with small spaces can be an extra challenge. Create a bit of extra space with decorative flowerpots to hold frequently used items.

Plugs! Always tangled. Never the one you're looking for. Try placing large binder clips in the edge of your desk an slipping one cord through each!

Crafty? Place all those spools of ribbon on a pants hanger! The ribbon is easy to find and easy to use. Works well for present wrapping ribbon too!

Don't forget to share your ideas with us! We'll share them as we get them!

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